By Laws of the IPNMS
By Laws of the IPNMS
Article 1. Name
The name of the organisation is the Irish Pain Nurses and Midwives Society.
Article 2. Mission Statement
The Irish Pain Nurses and Midwives Society (IPNMS) is a specialised professional organisation of registered nurses, midwives, student nurses and student midwives.
The IPNMS is committed to promoting the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pain by supporting activities such as professional practice, education, research, advocacy and networking. It seeks to provide a collective voice in order to increase knowledge of pain and transform public policy and professional clinical practice to reduce pain and pain-related suffering.
Article 3. Aims and Objectives of the IPNMS
3.1. Aims
3.1.1. Provide a networking forum to disseminate valuable evidence-based pain information and knowledge.
3.1.2. Advance the understanding and knowledge of pain.
3.1.3. Serve as a scientifically-based resource concerning local and national policy issues related to pain and clinical practice of pain management.
3.2. Objectives
3.2.1. Organise scientific meetings
3.2.2. Have a website:
3.2.3. Facilitate in-person and/or virtual networking between members
Article 4. Membership
4.1. Membership Categories
There shall be two categories of membership of IPNMS. These are:
4.1.1. Regular Members: Registered nurses and midwives interested in contributing to the mission of the Society. Past Presidents of the Society shall achieve Life Member status within this category. Each Regular Member shall be entitled to a vote.
4.1.2. Student members: Undergraduate nursing and midwifery students who are interested in contributing to the mission of the Society may apply. Student Members may be asked to verify undergraduate student status annually. Student members shall have no vote nor hold office.
4.2. Appointment of Members
4.2.1. Appointment of Members is made by the President at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Any person interested in becoming a member prior to the AGM may express their interest via email to By emailing, the individual shall thereby consent to receive communication from IPNMS by email.
4.3. Rights of Membership
4.3.1. Membership in the Society is an opportunity dependent on adherence with the requirement of these by-laws and such other general requirements of membership that IPNMS may implement. Members shall obtain benefits as determined by the Executive Board of IPNMS. All members within a category will receive identical benefits.
4.3.2. All Regular Members are permitted to cast one vote on matters brought before the society. The mechanism of voting at the AGM will be determined by the committee.
4.3.3. No member or group of members may enter into a contract or agreement binding IPNMS, financially or otherwise. Only the President of IPNMS or Officers of the Executive Board who are appointed by the President in writing to speak in his or her stead may speak on behalf of the organisation. No part of any work or publication produced by the IPNMS may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any way, means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of IPNMS.
4.3.4. Individuals who have expressed interest in becoming a member of IPNMS but have not yet been appointed a member of IPNMS at the AGM may not cast a vote on matters brought before the society, nor can they hold office.
4.4 Termination of Membership
4.4.1. Any member may surrender his or her membership of the Society by emailing Officers of the Executive Board may, by majority vote, cancel membership for good cause. IPNMS will not reimburse any membership fees upon either voluntary relinquishment or involuntary revocation of membership. In addition, the member shall surrender any and all rights and privileges of membership upon termination.
4.5. Membership Fees
4.5.1. Fees shall be payable prior to the AGM. Fees are payable by bank transfer, or to the Treasurer in cash.
4.5.2. Student members shall pay the sum of €10. Regular members shall pay the sum of €25.
4.5.3. Members who have not paid fees within a period of eight weeks after the AGM shall be informed of forfeiture of membership unless all indebtedness to the Society is met within thirty days of the notice of forfeiture. A former member can restore membership upon payment of fees.
4.6. Meeting of Members
4.6.1. The AGM shall be convened by the President, and held at such time and place as shall be decided by the Executive Board.
4.6.2. The ASM shall be convened by the President, and held at such time and place as shall be decided by the Executive Board. If possible, the ASM shall be held immediately prior to the AGM.
4.6.3. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be convened by the President, or by a group of Regular Members. Notice of an EGM may be of a shorter duration.
4.6.4. A meeting of the Members of the Executive Board may be convened by the President.
4.6.5. The Website Officers shall notify Regular Members of the venue, day, and hour of the AGM and/or ASM in writing or electronically not less than one month prior to the meeting. The Website officers shall notify Regular Members and the Executive Board of the of the details of an EGM convened by the President and of the purpose(s) for which the meeting is convened. In the event that an EGM is convened by a group of Regular Members, the Regular Members must notify the Website Officers of the details and of the purpose(s) for which the meeting is convened by emailing The Website Officers must then notify the President and Executive Board.
4.6.6. The minutes of every meeting held by the President will be taken by the Secretary. In the event that the Secretary is absent, the President will nominate a member of the Executive Board to record minutes. Copies of past minutes are available on request by contacting the Website Officers via email to The unconfirmed minutes of each meeting will be circulated to attendees for correction and approval (see section 5.2.4.).
4.6.7. Each meeting must have a quorum present in order for matters to be voted upon by Regular Members. The quorum for the AGM or an EGM convened by the President is a majority of the Members of the Executive Board. In the event that an EGM is convened by Regular Members, the quorum shall be one-third of all Regular Members.
Article 5. The Executive Board
5.1. Officers of The Executive Board.
The Officers of the Executive Board shall be the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Education Officers, and the Website Officers. The President may select other Officers of the Executive Board.
5.2. General Duties.
5.2.1. The President shall preside at all meetings, be responsible for executing policies determined by IPNMS, and act as spokesperson for IPNMS.
5.2.2. The President-Elect shall support the President in his or her functions as the President shall request, and shall perform the responsibilities of the President in his or her absence.
5.2.3. The Immediate Past-President shall support the President and President-Elect in his or her functions as the President shall request, and shall perform the responsibilities of the President-Elect in his or her absence.
5.2.4. The Secretary shall be responsible for preservation of the records of the IPNMS, prepare the minutes of all meetings held by the President, and execute such other functions as agreed by the Executive Board. The Secretary will distribute the minutes of all meetings to attendees for approval within 14 days of the meeting. Once approved, the minutes will be signed by the President and the Secretary. The Secretary will provide minutes of any meeting to Regular Members who request a copy.
5.2.5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial records of the IPNMS. He or she shall keep complete and precise accounts of funds belonging to IPNMS and relevant receipts. He or she shall pay out monies as directed by the President and shall submit a financial report to the President at the AGM. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies in the name and to the credit of the IPNMS in such institutions as may be chosen by the Executive Board.
5.2.6. The Education Officer shall be responsible for the educational activities of IPNMS. He or she shall propose a programme for the ASM to the President. He or she will present educational opportunities to the President where appropriate.
5.2.7. The Website Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the website and social media networks. He or she shall facilitate virtual networking between Regular Members. He or she shall conduct online correspondence, networking and publication in strict accordance with the IPNMS internet and social media policy.
5.2.8. Where a need arises, sub-committees of Regular Members may be formed by the President to assist the Executive Board with duties.
5.3. Reimbursement for Services Provided
5.3.1. The President and Treasurer may approve reimbursement for services provided to the IPNMS by the Executive Board. The provision of receipts of expenditure must be accompanied by a written document outlining the reason for expenditure.
5.4. Terms of Office.
5.4.1. The terms of office of the Officers of the Executive Board shall commence at election at the AGM and end at the AGM three years later or until his or her earlier resignation, removal from office, or death. The President and President-Elect may not serve successive terms. Officers of the Executive Board may serve as President and President-Elect more than once. All other Officers of the Executive Board may serve successive terms.
5.5 Election of Officers to the Executive Board.
5.5.1. At least one month prior to the AGM, the Website Officers solicit nominations from Regular Members of candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Website Officer, and Education Officer. Only Regular Members may be nominated for Office, and a Regular Member may propose only one person for each Office to be filled. Only present or past Officers of the Executive Board may be proposed for the Office of President-Elect.
5.5.2. The elections will be conducted by secret ballot at the AGM for one position at a time in the following order; President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Website Officer, Education Officer. Every individual Regular Member present shall be permitted one vote for each Office to be filled. The candidate who receives the most votes shall be considered to have been elected. If any candidate receives an identical number of votes, the election will be repeated with the exclusion of the lowest-scoring candidate, if applicable.
5.6 Resignation of Officers of the Executive Board
5.6.1. Any Officer of the Executive Board may resign from their position following the submission of a letter of resignation to the President.
5.7 Vacancies of Office.
5.7.1. On the occasion of a vacancy arising related to an Office of the Executive Board except the President, the remaining Officers of the Executive Board shall vote for one of its Officers to serve in such capacity for the rest of the unexpired term.
5.7.2. If the office of the President shall become vacant, then the President-Elect shall without delay serve in the role of the President for the rest of the unexpired term as well as the succeeding term.
5.7.3. In the case of the vacancy of the Immediate Past-President, the Executive Board will continue to function with its remaining members, with the President having the casting vote of the Immediate Past-President.
Article 6. Financial and Administrative Issues.
6.1. Financial Year.
6.1.1. The financial year of the Society shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of the following December. The Officers of the Executive Board will appoint an auditor to review the IPNMS accounts annually.
6.2. Budgets and Accounts.
6.2.1. All expenditures must be for the purposes authorised by these by-laws and must be within the means of the IPNMS. The Officers of the Society may authorise the establishment of a special bank account and authorise the Secretary, Treasurer and President to deposit funds into and withdraw funds from the account, subject to withdrawal limitations established by the IPNMS.
6.3. Borrowing Authority and Loans.
6.3.1. No loans or borrowings shall be contracted on behalf of the Society.
6.4. Administration.
6.4.1. All records of the Society may be examined by any Regular Member who has voting rights following approval of the President.
6.4.2. All documents which involve the Society must be signed by the President and one other Officer of the Executive Board.
Article 7. Dissolution of IPNMS
7.1. The Society may be dissolved by the President, following a majority vote of the Executive Board.
7.2. In the event of dissolution of IPNMS, any remaining funds will be redistributed to The Irish Pain Society (The Irish Chapter of The International Association for the Study of Pain).
Article 8. Amendments
8.1. These by-laws may be amended at the AGM or EGM by one-third of the voting members present provided that Regular Members are informed that the by-laws will be discussed in writing prior to the AGM or EGM.